Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cormic wants to drink from a glass

Yes, it's true..Cormic has reached that stage of wanting everything you are eating or drinking.  He has a tippy cup now and loves it...and then throws it on the floor.  It's an off again on again relationship between the two...That is always fun.
And, when Cormic drinks from a glass..the rest of the family gathers around to watch and laugh. I think he likes all the attention. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The two boys

Ezekiel and Cormic... just taking it easy on the couch.  
Two finger lunch..?
I want to say this is his Elvis pose...but, he's in overalls; so..it just doesn't work.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Teen night out

Well, thankfully..Sierra and Ezekiel were able to get out and see Harry Potter tonight. Ezekiel has been counting down the days for this... And it's weird, but it's the first time I just dropped them off at the movies by themselves.  This should have been done years ago..ha ha ha. I tease.
Above, Mr. Money bags. Ezekiel has been earning some money this summer mowing Travis and Jess's yard. Ezekiel was pretty excited about the extra cash. Well, until Ry told him that he needed to save it for his first car... poor kid..ha ha ha. 
And, Sierra looking bored out of her mind! ha ha ha. Guess it hasn't been the most exciting summer for her.  But, for the most part...she really doesn't look like this. Think it's just the look I get when the camera is taken out of it's case.

Cormic is now 6 months !

Cormic is on the move nowadays..not crawling, but the little man can move quickly when he rolls two or three times in a row. And diaper changes? Nope, not fun anymore..he is at the stage where.. once you remove the diaper..he's moving on ya.  The picture above...he was on a blanket..turn your back on him and he's way off on the floor..some place where he is not suppose to be. ha ha ha. 

The picture above is blurry; but I think you can make out the fake grin already "Like, really mom? Now?..You want a picture now?"
Big cutie !!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Almost 1/2 year

I hope to have time to post again tomorrow, because Cormic will be 6 months old.  Recently, he discovered so many things (rolling around, screaming in stores, grabbing for your glass of pop, etc) but I am not able to write about them tonight.  
He has brought such a positive change to the household.  No matter what kind of BS the day has brought, the evening is full of laughs around him. Sierra and Ezekiel adore him sooo, and you can tell that Cormic loves it when he has their attention. 
Not sure if it's everyday..but pretty close. Ry and I both say "Man, our kids are cool."      

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Celebrating the 4th

We celebrated the 4th on Saturday the 3rd. In the morning, the kids went to Old Hickory Lake to swim..Then, we watched Fireworks at Nashville Shores.     
Cormic was an excellent baby all day, didn't fuss a bit...not even with all the noise from the fireworks. Above, he got a little too excited with the bottle and got milk all over his face. 
The only thing that was not good about the entire day; was... some individual asked Sierra if Cormic was her baby...Aaaarg

Cormic and his momma

At Old Hickory Lake

Ezekiel acting like a cast member from Baywatch....ha ha, I tease
Sierra and Ezekiel swimming in the lake 7/3/09 
Cormic watching his older siblings
And I do wonder what they are discussing....I'm sure it's "this is the greatest fun ever !"

Skull and Cross-bones ?

 Okay, who is dressing these kids ?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cormic at 5 1/2 months

Time is going waaaaay to fast..This little man is growing way to fast for us. Cormic seems to really like his new day care; this is his second week there. The facility is wonderful AND he even has bible study there. 
The picture makes his hair look red, but it's the light. It may turn..I know that Ry is hope'n..