Friday, December 10, 2010


Today, we are thankful....for it is the day our Ry was born.
Happy Birthday Ry!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A couple of posers

So, normally when mom gets the camera's "awww man". This time, the two younger kids fought to be in the shot..The conversation between the two C's went something like: Carson said, "Take a picture of me!" Cormic then snuck in, gave her a bear hug and said "Snap this one Ma."
Carson (some what frustrated) elbows her brother and said"Uh, Cormic..really..get out of the frame." Then Cormic said, "Na, I'm good..SMILE sis"
Carson very annoyed with Cormic's games said; "The legal age for drinking is how old?!" "aaaarrrggg"

Cormic finally got the hint and gave in and said "Fine, have it your way..take whatever shot you want." Happily, Carson said, "Stop being a tard and show em what you got!"
And, here it is...A couple of Bad News Bruiser. Oh man.