Monday, April 11, 2011

Yea! For getting away!

Last weekend, the family took a little trip to Fall Creek Falls. We had a wonderful time. Yea hooo!
Took advantage of the state discount and rented a little cabin on the water. After we walked in to the place, E and Cormic acted the same age....both were running all over and jumping around.
Me and the two lovely little ladies on the deck.
Sierra on the trail and love'n it.
Cormic was determined to do it all by himself.
Can't find the words to describe these girls; but darn they are sure cute!
The kids really had fun. Ezek took too many risks w/his rock climbing; he kept me in panic mode during most of the hike. Other then was fun.
Can you believe I started out w/the stroller? (lol) We didn't know what we were getting into. But, we made it to the bottom of one of the falls.
Ohhhhhhh, brother's and sisters gotta hug. Maybe, she's scared...I don't know..It's hard to read teens.
She's not scared here...Cormic and Seirra in a Nikon moment.
Geez, look at these tough guys take'n on the outdoors.

last of Fall Creek Falls photos

Ry and Cormic take'n a break by the water. Believe it or not; but Cormic wasn't too thrilled about being close to the little dad held him tight.
Sierra look'n cool as can be.
We were thankful that Trapper and his family met us at the park. Here is Trapper w/his little man Wyatt.

And, finally a quick shot of the family. It was so nice to get away for a couple of days and I was sooooo relieved no one got hurt.