Saturday, June 4, 2011

During the week days

June 3, 2011 I took some pictures of where the two littlest ones have been spending their days. Below shows Cormic running out of the in door playground.
This place is sooooo massive. There is an indoor and an outdoor playground. Can you see the little man in the middle? I know why he gets bored sometimes at home. he he
So, below shows Cormic running down the hall to Carsons room. He would run, yelling her name and if she was in a swing...he'd act like he was on some type of rescue mission...trying to free her from captivity or something. Funny stuff.
While Dad put on Cormics shoes; Cormic just focused on getting Carson to talk about her day.
And, there he is. The little man posing in front of the outdoor playground.

She did it!

Can't believe it's been so long since the last post! After our last little post there was a couple weeks of sleepless nights due to the two youngest taking turns being sick. And, just last week Carson went back to the doctor for an ear infection. Geez..
Besides the sleepless nights, things have been great. The two oldest are out for summer break and Sierra has her driver's permit now! We weren't in a huge rush to have Sierra out on the city streets. Ry and I feel learning to drive in Nashville will be completely different then from when we learned. But, she's excited.