Monday, April 22, 2013


Okay...this post is for Mekesha..who kindly informed me she was tired of looking at the same ol pictures..LOL.
So, here are some randoms of past days 
 Carson above waiting for Dad.....NOT to wake up silly people. He was trying to find the words cuz she just asked,  "What's the meaning of life?"
 Cormic had to step in and respond for his dear dad. "AAAAHHH! It's to have fun!!"
 "And to harass the rest of the family..all in love and good humor of course..It has worked for me"
 Carson just isn't too sure about Cormics response...She was having fun one night standing on her doll stroller and received a black and blue nose from a fall..and she thought "that wasn't fun"
 Cormic continued to convince her...he got out the pony and showed her how to ride it..CITY style..Yes, in the house. Guess that is country too. LOL!
 Cormic was tired of trying and decided he was just gonna get her to have fun....even if he had to walk around forcing a smile on her face... 
 Well, above are 3 of the 4 of them on a recent family walk.. The walks are getting funnier..Even when 1/2 way from no where Carson states she has to poop.. It's fun, we take turns throwing her over a shoulder and we run out of the woods.. A bear may do it; but I am not ready for my little princess too.  The last time we were there...I drove like a mad woman to a nearby store and on the thrown she looked at me and stated she didn't have to go...Ummm. Good times.
So, the beginning of this little tale was a joke about Carson asking "What is the meaning of life?"...NO, it's not that the two little ones have mustaches in the picture above..LOL
  For me the answer will always be LOVE. I am soo thankful for these four, my family, friends who harass (no names Mekesha) and for the blessing to share it all with my best friend and husband Ry.