Tuesday, December 16, 2008

OHHhhh, Lordy..36 weeks and I'm feeling it! We had a doctor's appointment 12/15/08 and no further dilation, still at a 1cm. Cormic's heartbeat was 120 and the belly measured perfect at 36 weeks.  Cormic is still very active; which is a good thing. During the doctor's exam, she stated she could feel Cormic's head and I thought Ry was going to lose it. ha ha ha. I think you can tell by this picture that I'm feeling tired and try'n to smile through the back pain..soon he'll be a pain in the butt and not a pain in my back anymore..I'm sure..ha ha. (Just a joke)     

1 comment:

alicia said...

Wow, you make pregnant look hot! don't worry it'll all go back in place like it did the last time!