Tuesday, March 31, 2009

He's been fussy...

Ohhhhh, for the last two days..poor little Cormic has not been himself.  On 3/27/09 he had his shots. He has not cried this much, since the day he was born...it has been sad. He cries..then I cry..it's been a real mess..ha ha..I tease. But, hopefully he will back to normal soon. In other news, we've been looking for a daycare. UMM, to be honest. That is not fun. I walked out of one and I cried..yes it reminded me of a puppy mill..but I guess I should stop there because I'm starting to sound like a cry baby..
ha ha 

Thursday, March 26, 2009

And this is why I can't ? ?

Isn't Mekesha's (a friend) babies cute ?
As I was saying..this is why I probably won't ever be a professional photographer..I tried to take pictures of these two little honies and look at what I got? I said "smile"..and they..yes did what is above..ha ha.  They stayed with me and Cormic Monday while Mekesha was at work and I just kept saying to myself "thank you Jesus, for I am not the Octupulet mom" ha ha. I tease, they are wonderful kids. Even though the little one played drums on my hiney off and on all day.. 

The Evans' kids

The III of em. Cormic always gets plenty of attention. He probably wishes sometimes that he had more room to breathe..ha ha ha 


Friday, March 20, 2009

Two out of three crying ? ?

Ry and I thought we were out of the crying stage with the older two; but I guess not. ha ha. Sierra is faken it. She was upset because Cormic was crying and she wasn't able to stop his fuss'n.     

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Good, the Bad and the Baby

  ha ha..I should have waited til the 5th of May; but couldn't resist. There was a lot of Irish talk the last couple of days with St. Patricks..so I had to whip out the ol hispanic side of the family. Nope, not much left in us..just the hat and an occasion slip of the tongue in saying Watching Maacheene.   When Ry saw this picture of Cormic he said "good Lord. The Good the Bad and the Baby"... ha ha. Poor little Cormic 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day !!

Not much is going on in our house hold this day.  But, the children woke up and had to put on their green.  Sierra looks sooooo pretty.
 Ezekiel has had his friend William over for a couple of days during spring break..   
 Travis and Jess bought Cormic this little St. Patty's day gift..Sweet huh?
Cormic probably think'n..."can't really celebrate till the 'ol pops' gets home from work."

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cormic in some oldies

Bev brought an an outfit that Ry use to wear when he was a tot, and thank goodness I put it on Cormic when I did..because I wasn't even able to button the top button on this boy. I tried to get our older two children to put on their dad's old outfits..you know because it's a pretty cool thing; but they said no deal.  ha ha ha..I tease.   

The one above is my favorite.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Silver Dukes Play 2nd Show

The Siver Dukes playing at the Spring Water 3/5/09.
Thankfully, Kristi came over to watch over Cormic; so I could go and watch Ry play at a local dive bar. I'm not being rude, the place is well known for being a "dive bar".  Nope, teeth are not allowed..ha ha ha..I tease.
The boys played really well, and to a crowed of about..well, that's not important. Point is..they are gett'n out and doing a great job when they have the opportunity.

Big Hug, Little hug Good byes

Little Sierra, along with the rest of us didn't want to let them go back home..squeeeze and hold on tight she said. Then...grandpa dragged her until she ran into the bookshelf, so he could escape her tight grip..ha ha. And, we wonder where Ry gets it. 
I like this picture, because it doesn't show that Sierra is taller or as tall as Grandma..ha ha. Poor little E seen these pictures and said "Mom..you didn't get a picture of me hugging them goodbye. How will I hold on to the memories?" So..see why I have to take so many pictures? I'm under pressure from these children...ha ha ha.

Grandma and Grandpa Visit

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Grandma Bev and Cormic

  Dave and Bev Evans drove from New Mexico to see us the last weekend in February..yep.. it appeared they were fond of the new little guy.  Cormic seen above is probably thinking "yes, grandma..look deep into my eyes so I can melt your heart"
Appears that she has done this before..ha ha. Cormic is very comfortable with Grandma Bev.

Big Smiles

 Cormic almost 7 weeks, already showing the "oh great, I wish I could run" look 
Since, he can't run..He decides to please momma and gives one big smile for the camera..CHHHHEEEEEZ
AND, then the famous half grin and the "I'm tired of this mom". ha ha.....Anyhooo, A couple of mornings ago, Cormic was asleep and Ry went to him before he went off to work.  Well, after Ry started talking... Cormic planted a big ol smile on his face..yep Ry can make Cormic smile even in his sleep. I told Ry, "man, I'm with him all day..I feed him, bathe him, rock him, talk to him and change him..I have to work endlessly to get a smile and you just  come up and the sound of your voice makes him smile.." wow! So, I decided to lower my voice and sound more like a man. BUT! I won't shave the beard or the stache off...ha ha.  Ohhhh, ya. I'm tired, it's starting to show.   

This is how Cormic rolls

Well, going out and about with Cormic the last 7 weeks has been pretty easy. I'm still paranoid and plan my trip to town (yes Mekesha I said 'to town'..I'm still rural)  around his routine. As soon as he has eaten and has been changed we load up and go. I guess I haven't been much fun, because I rush our outings and would like to be home before Cormic awakes. I'm sure you've all heard the saying "don't wake the bear"..ha ha. Nope, he's still a good baby. When Dave and Bev (Ry's parents) were here, they were pretty surprised that Cormic didn't even really cry when he wanted something..Cormic just snorts and moves his arms. 
When Cormic hits his teenage years I will have to put these pictures in a locket and just say to myself "ohhh..good times"..back when he was quiet. 
Don't look to close, he's got some spittle around his mouth. ha ha ha. And, that is why there are very little pictures of me on this blog..the spittle! cute on a baby, but not on an adult.