So, my friend Michelle joined a hiking group, and she asked me to go with her 5/30/09. Thankfully, Paul and Lisa watched Cormic, Poor Ry had to work, Sierra and Ezekiel just wanted to stay home. Soooo, Yeahoo! I was able to get out of the house.. The above picture shows part of the group gathered around the trail.
The problem is.. they were gathered around Michelle. She took a hard fall about 30 minutes into it and tore up her ankle, which started swelling instantly. The trail was muddy and had lots of rock.
I was in front of Michelle when it happened, and didn't want to turn around..You know that moment of.."If I just ignore it..don't look at it..then it didn't happen" moment? Well, it was bad. But, since I'm a dork..I attempted to make her laugh and reached for my camera. I admit I'm just not good in bad one time in Idaho Ezekiel fell off the monkey bars. After Ry and I ran to Ezekiel I noticed his wrist had a sag in it..So, I calmly said "okay, no big deal..looks like you sprained it honey..we will just take you into the doctor." Ry tried to tell me "LaRayne, it's broken." But, in order to keep from passing out..I just ignored Ry. And, then another time. I walked up to a friend who was sitting at a table in front of Starbucks. I thought he was taking a nap, I didn't know because he was wearing sun glasses.. So, for about 20 minutes I talked to him, told him I was going to tickle his belly if he didn't wake know just having fun. Then, Michelle walked up and I told her "Man, Rus is really tired." She said "LaRayne! he's having a seizure", see..I'm just not good with people's medical emergencies.
She fought back tears while she hobbled back up the trail. And, with a possible broken ankle..she was able to laugh most of the way. Until Michelle's fall, the hike was a lot of fun. I hope she invites me again. But, I'm just not sure if she should. The last time we were together..some one threw a rock thru her car window.
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