Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Stop it Boys!"

What is going on here?..I'm not sure..But, Cormic was kicking the heck out of Ezekiel's head while they were on the floor. Yes, I thought the same thing "Why doesn't Ezekiel just move?" 
Then some hair pulling.
And, at this time..Ry and I were circled around cheering Ezekiel on "Come on can take him!" ..ha ha ha..I tease   

Floor Time

All the men of the house taken it easy on the floor.  
Hmmm, wonder if they both are think'n "Like looking in a mirror."  
Cormic is now a master at rolling from his back to his tummy..and vice versa...Yeah!   

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!

 What am I suppose to say here?  Umm, Like I love Ry..he's a real hands on kinda Dad.. ha ha ha.   
  Well, it was Ezekiel who suggested "Let Dad do what he wants today"..and I knew that was not a good idea.....And, I'm sure Ezekiel would have never suggested it..if he would have known his suggestion would have led to choking .. ha ha ha.    
We hope everyone had a great Father's day!!  I'm sure Ry is getting the best out of Ezekiel while he still can..E is almost a teenager..can you believe it?

sunday pictures of Cormic

Looking serious... 
Yes, he has slobber on his's a constant thing ...AND! he just got out of the bathtub..the boy is becoming a real mess

He is Mr. Big stuff now a days..always rolling around on his belly.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sierra's skills

So, Ry and I labeled this 'the summer of change'..why? Ummm, can't share that with you all...but let's say we just want the kids to seek out other avenues, interests...etc. Anyhoo, Sierra has been jogging with me; she started crocheting and has expanded on the things she draws. And, let's not forget..this little lady passed both of her honors we are very proud of her.  The picture below is of her cousin Chaz. And, I think she did a great job.     
Ezekiel has many skills too; he is currently working on his second Lego movie..(he is writing the script for it..)..ha ha ha. If you can't tell, the kids are home this summer.  
Sierra tried her skills at crocheting; and I guess it didn't turn out the way she expected.... So, here the boys are turning the suppose to be blanket into what they want... Ezekiel turning Sierra's project into a mask above.
And, here.. Cormic is joining in on the fun and wearing it as a hat..
pooooor Sierra, being made fun of by both her little brothers.
Besides this..Cormic's last weigh in was a little over 15 lbs..He is enoying shoving his fist/fingers in his mouth when he is being fed. He is not yet sitting up byself, but is getting better at rolling over...but; still working on that. We aren't really rushing his mobility because the house is still not ready for that..give us another 10 years...ha ha ha

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The III Sisters together again !!!

Here they are.. the three Wolf girls. Girls no more; I guess. From left to right: Leslie Wolf, LaRaye Evans, and Lisa Morcom (Cormic's momma and two aunts). This shot was taken during their 2008 visit to Nashville. But, this is the best way to show how we are when we are together....Non stop laughs.
And, this shot was this year..Lisa brought her daughter Kenz..and Leslie brought one of her sons..It was the greatest time. sweet and beautiful Lisa
Cormic, his momma and Aunt Leslie..He loved everyone so much, and Leslie was the funniest..she said "I love you..and I don't even like kids." ha ha.. They all agreed Cormic was something special. Look at him look at Les...he adored her. This picture of pretty little Leslie was at the airport..we had to wait an hour for Cole to fly in from Nevada, so we chatted at Starbucks...
Sierra checking out Fall Creek Falls, a little state park we checked out while the family was in town.
Ohhhh, brother..The day just begun..and look at Ezekiel.. This little attitude was short lived..he snapped out of it and had a great day..
Well, Lisa showing Ezekiel the difference between a good and bad attitude...ha ha ha..
ohhhhh, cousins have to hug... 
Good job Coleman..get him. Ezekiel looks like he has a little grin..yep..he snapp'd out of it. 
The above picture is Leslie and her second son, Coleman. They are standing in front of the mother church...The Ryman Auditorium. 

Lisa and her oldest child, McKenzie.Lisa and Kenz in front of the Ryman. 
I need to take some time to brag about Leslie..I believe the entire family is worth bragging about (on both sides). But this woman is on the constant go...the weekend prior to her Nashville trip; she went sky diving for the first time in California on a Friday..and then two days later she ran a 26 mile marathon. I'm telling you..she is an amazing woman..she sets out to tackle something and then BAM, she's done it...  Her list of Have dones is enormous..She is such an inspiration and I'm so thankful that both my sisters were able to come and visit.  They both have the ability to send off this magnetic energy that gives you a jolt of life..It is a helpful reminder to live life..when they are'd better get off your hiney and live..and do it today...don't wait.  

Cormic during the visit

Cormic watching the family from dad's arms.
Cormic and his new lady...Aunt Leslie.. His look shows: "Hey, leave us be"..she had him laughing so was cute.
Aunt Lisa feeding the little guy.
And, Cormic with cousin McKenzie. 
Pretty pretty Lisa
The crew walking to the Honky Tonks down town Nasvhille..ut out Nasvhille..ha ha ha (Aunt Lisa, Cousin Cole, Cousin Kenz, Aunt Leslie and Uncle Chance)   
Okay, this was soooo not necessary to post..but the above cinnamon rolls were made for Coleman. He prefers them made like Grandma Mary Wolf use to make them. Last time I cut the logs, like normal people do and he was actually upset with me. ha ha ha. Well, this time..we went a little too far. (Lisa and I rolled them). Maybe you can't tell but one of those logs were as big as Cormic..I swear. The pan you are looking not a regular cake is a huge roasting pan. ha ha..And, no nothing went to waste. 
Ezekiel eating some fried chicken.
The homemade fried chicken was another one of Coleman's request... Since, he is leaving soon to join the military..the boy got what he wanted. And, here is the Cole man..just off the plane.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Time for Celebration

We here in Tennessee just want to wish Dave and Bev a Happy Happy Anniversary !! I hope they don't mind me posting these photos of them..but they are looking good, don't you think?