Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The above picture is Leslie and her second son, Coleman. They are standing in front of the mother church...The Ryman Auditorium. 

Lisa and her oldest child, McKenzie.Lisa and Kenz in front of the Ryman. 
I need to take some time to brag about Leslie..I believe the entire family is worth bragging about (on both sides). But this woman is on the constant go...the weekend prior to her Nashville trip; she went sky diving for the first time in California on a Friday..and then two days later she ran a 26 mile marathon. I'm telling you..she is an amazing woman..she sets out to tackle something and then BAM, she's done it...  Her list of Have dones is enormous..She is such an inspiration and I'm so thankful that both my sisters were able to come and visit.  They both have the ability to send off this magnetic energy that gives you a jolt of life..It is a helpful reminder to live life..when they are'd better get off your hiney and live..and do it today...don't wait.  

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