Saturday, September 26, 2009

Baby Jail

So, I told myself that Cormic would be in his own bed at 6 months..and that didn't happen. For the last 2 or 3 months he has slept between Ry and I. I thought when you are an older are suppose to be smarter and better.. Aarrrgg.  
So, his crib is used for changing diapers and clothes. If he stays in there too long.. he'll press his face up against the bars and will give you the "don't leave me in here" look. 
Finally, the little man has two bottom teeth starting to show.  

Friday, September 25, 2009

A lot like Dad

I am sure it won't be a shock to anyone....but Cormic is somewhat like his daddy.  
They love the same hat....only Ry wears it and Cormic likes to chew on it while he watches baseball on dad's lap.
They like to make loud noises..Ry plays the drums and Cormic is starting out with a set of pots and pans.

And, this is naked baby Cormic.  Not going to bring up any "like dad" examples with this photo...Even though, I heard a story that Ry streaked a golf course in Burns once.. (ha ha ha. I'm glad I didn't mention that.) 

Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's someone's Birthday today~!

This picture is from 2007...but it has a birthday cake and today's birthday girl in there you get me ?
  :  )
                 Happy Birthday to Mrs. Katie Hood !

Some time ago

This was taken awhile ago..This is a gift from William to Ezekiel.

Hopefully, I hadn't posted this one before...But, here you see Cormic reading to Sierra..ha ha ha. I tease.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hillbilly BBQ! Fun Fun Fun

Okay, so we drove 2 hours last Saturday to a small little town called Altamont TN. This place was glorious and it was a lot of fun. Here the boys are playing at the end of the night.   

Please notice the golf club in the pig skull above the stage. Why? no reason..I just did and wondered.

Baby and Moonshine...eeks

Cormic was a pretty good baby considering the fact that he has not been feeling well. He's had runny eyes and a little bit of goobers from the eyes, but was a trooper this day.  
I'm sure it's not a surprise to anyone, but here is the day. It only took Ry 8 months to get Cormic a jar of moonshine. ha ha. No, Cormic was just on the grass and maneuvered his way to check out the jar.  
Well? He is teething..ha ha ha..Just kidd'n. I'm teasing.
Ry drinking...some some..okay some shine from that jar along his friend Trapper. 
Cormic had never touched grass before, it was pretty cute to watch.

More photos of the BBQ

Not sure what to say about this young man above because...let's just say this BBQ was on about 15 acres of land, we were out till the sun went down and Ezekiel didn't entertain himself all night with legos..I'm shocked to say this, but he ..he.. he..Yes, he disappeared and was found walking with a young 14 year old lady from Ohio..and that's all I am going to say right now...cuz it hurts. 
Above you see Paul...always cool and collected. Sure, he's talking to a stranger at this time..I think we only knew the one man that invited us...But, it was a good time and by the end of the night...I think they knew everyone there.And above is Lisa..soon to be first time momma! They are going to have their arrival in December.. And, I'm sure at this time..pretty little Lisa is probably looking at the same man her husband is talking too. When, I don't know what is going on..I just get the camera out..ha ha ha..cuz really..I can't give them that good of a smile when I don't know who the blazers you are..ha ha ha..I tease.
The Thackers
Here is Sierra right when we arrived..her, Ezekiel and some people at the BBQ are playing catch football, then they went and played hillbilly golf.