Sunday, January 31, 2010

When the kids are bored

Ry and I were very proud of the older two kids for always having the "open door policy" with Cormic. Then, we heard Ezek and Sierra laughing in the bed room and we asked what was going on..So, then they came out with the above, Cormicall dressed up..Yes, he loved it.      

Cormic in his pj's.  The young man is so close to walking.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Kids 1/23/2010

The oldest and the youngest... You may notice Cormic's first bruise on the forehead.  Yep, he is starting to take some spills.  
Ezekiel-love the hair young man! 
Cormic-Love the hair little guy!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mug Shot Day

What in the world does "Mug Shot Day" mean?  Well, the boys in the band asked for some head shots Sunday. So, before I attempted to take their close ups..I shot a couple of Sierra, Ry and Cormic. Why not Ezek? He had a friend over at the house.  
Good grief look at this beautiful little lady...I just hope and pray she had good thoughts during that moment and not "My mother is a drag." ha ha ha. Whenever she gives me that kind of talk..I always break out in a dance because I have to show her how cool I am..then she says I'm old. ha ha ha.      
Then, I asked Ry to sit while I adjusted some things on the camera..Good grief look at these two beautiful creatures. I am pretty sure Cormic is thinking "My mom is a drag...but my dad rocks." And look at these two darlings! Both of them have guitars on their outfits..cute.. The Thackers came over Sunday and we were able to get some shots in of the two boys. 

How his birthday went down

So, Cormic's birthday fell on a Friday. Well, we weren't able to celebrate until Ry was home on Saturday the 16th. Cormic enjoyed opening his gifts. 
I love it when Sierra watches Cormic...she has him in one hand and her phone in the other.  
Above is Ezekiel trying on Comic's cool shades from Grandpa and Grandma Evans.
And, he does look pretty snazzy in them. 
The two boys resting after a day of, they have it rough.  

Friday, January 15, 2010