Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gifts for Carson!!

She is going to be a pretty little Southern Belle in these special gifts. The next three pictures are just so wonderful. They were made by Carson's great Grandma Wanda Evans in Washington. Brought tears to my eyes when I opened the box....just the time and thought behind it..They will definitely be kept and saved for Carson after she wears them... 
She is going to look so adorable in them; can't wait. So, thanks to Wanda again...sooooooo much!

The two pictures below are from our neighbor. She gave Carson a pink onesie and bib with "The Bitter Swill  groupie" embroidered on it... cool, huh? 
And, on the hiney of the onesie...she embroidered a Magnolia.. well, cuz of Carson Magnolia...   
We have the best people in our lives! Thanks everyone for everything... we may only have two more weeks until we are blessed with another great one!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Last Weekend

Well, we are so thankful that Lisa, Les, Dan and Josh came for a visit..The weather was extremely hot; but I hope they still had fun.
Of course the young man with all the hair is little Ezek and next to him is his cousin Josh. Both turning out to be very polite, talented, smart and handsome young men. The three cousins on the trail. Sierra, E and Josh. Poor little Cormic never did get a picture with the rest of the kids...rats. 
I have always thought these two were so much a like...Les and Sierra at the Belmont Mansion.The family sitting on our front steps...ha ha ha.  Okay, this is the Belmont Mansion...Yes, it was so hot; but the tour was pretty great. 
All I can say or scream is "THESE ARE MY TWO SISTERS!!!"  

It had been five years!

The last time the remaining Wolf siblings were together was five years ago in Idaho...Danny, my oldest brother flew in from Vegas and my two sisters flew in from Idaho.. 
The above picture is us on a trail. I had no problem walking down the trail. Took about 10 steps back up it and then handed the keys over to Chance and said "Come and get me." ha ha ha.Cormic and his Aunt Leslie at the house. 
Looks like Cormic poke'n fun at his Uncle Danny...
Not the best shot; because we were on the trail. It was hot and we were all tired. But here we are: Lisa, me, Chance, Danny and Leslie.  
 Um...I feel I have many friends; but these two ladies are the ones I've known the longest and I know they will be there for me  the rest of my life. It has taken an entire week for me to get over their departure. I cried and cried when I said '"Good bye" because I just miss them so much. Les will soon be going back to Iraq and this visit might not happen next year.  But; I think when we are together...even though it's short..we make it worth while.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Carson update

So, Carson and I went to the doctor's today (guess she didn't have a choice).  The doctor said that I measured 35 weeks, but I'm 37. Doctor wasn't too concerned because she feels Carson has dropped. Also, Carson had a heart beat of 143, my blood pressure was low....which is hard to believe. AND! The doctor said I have dilated 1 cc. But, I've played this game three times before and hearing that doesn't mean much to me because I've always needed a jump start from the doctor.   I'm sure she will arrive past her due date. I'm thinking around July 15th or when the doctor can work it into her schedule..ha ha ha.  Here are a couple of shots that Ezek took of me and little Carson.      

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"It means a lot to mom"

So, I'm sure I'm not the only mother who has said "I really would like a nice picture of all my kids. It'd mean a lot to me."
Well, then your words basically go in one ear and out the other. I asked the children to get in front of the camera for me and below is what they gave their mother. 
Ezekiel bored. Cormic more interested in his brownie and Sierra showing she is completely not interested.Okay! This is nice. Cormic spits, Sierra almost pukes and Ezekiel didn't have a clue because he was watching television. ha ha ha....Maybe I'll get them together again before little Carson arrives.  Ry's friend came over that night for some photos, so I just asked the kids to wasn't to serious.