Saturday, June 19, 2010

Last Weekend

Well, we are so thankful that Lisa, Les, Dan and Josh came for a visit..The weather was extremely hot; but I hope they still had fun.
Of course the young man with all the hair is little Ezek and next to him is his cousin Josh. Both turning out to be very polite, talented, smart and handsome young men. The three cousins on the trail. Sierra, E and Josh. Poor little Cormic never did get a picture with the rest of the kids...rats. 
I have always thought these two were so much a like...Les and Sierra at the Belmont Mansion.The family sitting on our front steps...ha ha ha.  Okay, this is the Belmont Mansion...Yes, it was so hot; but the tour was pretty great. 
All I can say or scream is "THESE ARE MY TWO SISTERS!!!"  

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