Thursday, July 29, 2010

The two at home

Sierra and Ezekiel went back to New Mexico with their Grandpa and Grandma Evans... We know they are having a great time; but we can't help but miss them.  Here are a couple of pictures of the two kids that are home...
The picture above is the most recent one available of Carson.  Ry is afraid of her look; he thinks it's a 'I'm going to cut you look.'    The next two are of Carson shortly after she came home.
 Cormic in his toy box.  

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Little Buddies

I am not going to rush these two young boys to grow up; but I do wonder what they will be like in the future.  We definitely need Cormic to stick with Patterson. Patterson just seems like he has a good head on his shoulders and our little boy?...We love him; but his eyes just scream "Be ready; cuz I'm going to mess with you woman!"
Cute little guys!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Ry, Cormic and I arrived at the hospital about 20 minutes not the greatest start. After the paperwork was finished, Ry drove Cormic to day care..When Ry returned the nurse had already started my drugs and the doctor had already broke my water. I was a little sad because those are the important points in my delivery where I like to cuss at Ry. ha ha Just kidd'n. I felt contractions for maybe two hours before they gave me the epideral. I asked Ry not to talk during my contractions and he made comments like "Maybe that'll teach you not to get pregnant again." Did Dave not give him the  'birds and the bees talk'? ha ha..Anyway, it was another great delivery.  The little blessing joined us on July 14th at 1:43 pm. She weighed 7 lbs 12 oz. 

    Thanks again to all! We have gotten so much support from family and friends..We really appreciate you all so much. And to our good friends from Iowa..thanks so much for "Mommas medicine"..I will take two and not see you in the morning..ha ha ha.    Enjoy the pics.        

After the nurse and doctor left the three of us alone. Ry played Mississippi John Hurt's version of "Here am I, oh Lord, send me"....pretty darn amazing first song for the little lady. 
All tuckered out.

Sierra, the proud oldest child of now four! We have a girl at the top of the birth order and one at the bottom. Hopefully, it will keep those two boys in the middle in line
Ezekiel says "Ya..I don't think so..BUT whatever! Just stop having children" ha ha

Carson Magnolia Evans

Dad and Carson having a little one on one talk. 
Carson thinking about the rules her Dad laid out for her.

Carson then realized "Hey, I'm the baby of the family...we don't really follow the same set of rules...right?"

To much thinking...nap time again. 
Very talented young lady..she'll think about it while she sleeps.

He is a very proud big brother.
Proud daddy

More of Carson's birth day

"You had me at WAAAAaaaa."    She is so adorable..We just love her so much. Not sure how we got so lucky; but another child who is honestly perfect. She is.. I know...she is very very young..But, I sense a little attitude already. See the fists and the look?  She already shows her temper when you mess with her too much... ha ha ha. Okay, other then that...she's perfect.
She has skinny little bird legs...
And, her hair is so dark. Ask me a color..I would say it was black. Yes..yes I would.

He's not the baby anymore...

Cormic held the title for only 17 months; and because of that...we were a little nervous about how he would react to Carson. Well, he did fabulous..Maybe a little to fabulous.  
Cormic..Yes, wanting to pat Carson on the head.
Cormic has not been a very "lovey" child. You know? He's not much for hugs and kisses; but from the minute he saw Carson..he wanted to hold her and kiss her..and give her an occasional pat on the head.
More pats to the head.
A finger in the eye... ha ha. I don't think Carson has much of a choice; she is going to have to be tough. 
And, so her journey as the newest little princess begins. Dad and one of her older brothers giving her a ride down the hall. So, we say "Welcom Carson! These are only two of many who will walk with you during your journey. But, know if you are unable to walk ...that man will carry you.  We love you little lady."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hospital bound

Okay, this will be the day we will deliver our little Carson. She will share the birthday with my cousin Benny; I was able to share the news with him last night.....So, hope she's not stubborn and waits till after midnight to arrive..eeks, I'll be wrong again on the date. Okay, we will post updates on the little lady when we return. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What's Going on?

Well, not much is going on...I'm home today on my first day of maternity leave, getting ready for the big day tomorrow.  Today, is very special because it's one of my sister's birthdays...
So, we wish you a very happy birthday young lady.
Cormic likes to eat ice cream..he also like to feed dad the ice cream.
The kids are so excited about going to New Mexico with Grandpa Dave and Grandma...geez, guess doing the majority of the DLR's for their pregnant momma wasn't really the thrill they were looking for this summer..ha ha ha ha

He like most little ones love putting on dad's boots. 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy Due Date!!

    I think she is going to be lovely!!!!
 Today, I had my final ultra sound with Carson. And, yes when I walked out of that office..I did say "I hope to never see you again." ha ha ha.  The tech guessed she would weigh around 7 lb 15 ounce; which she admitted could be way off...but I hope not. Carson's heart beat was  145. The doc said dilation is only at a 2.  So, this may be the a happy due date because we were able to see her 3 D image..but it won't be her birth date. So, they made an appointment to induce July 14th at 7:00 am unless she comes before; but I doubt she will. And, I will have to admit I was wrong on the date..rats.  So, back to work tomorrow. Rats again. ha ha ha.  

Monday, July 5, 2010

Our family is getting bigger and bigger

Well, hope everyone had a great 4th! Even though Ry had to work; we were able to take the kids to see Nashville's firework display. This weekend Ry brought Page into our home. Page is Salvador's (Ry's pup he lost) sister and her owner had to let her go; so Ry said "bring her over." And, you don't wanna know what I said..ha ha ha. I just pictured two babies, two adults and now two dogs..all in our        
We are three days away from Carson's due date. Everyone here is very excited for her arrival. I still think she will be born around the 15th; but who knows?  I can say that this old tired body is ready to evict her...ha ha ha.