Monday, July 5, 2010

Our family is getting bigger and bigger

Well, hope everyone had a great 4th! Even though Ry had to work; we were able to take the kids to see Nashville's firework display. This weekend Ry brought Page into our home. Page is Salvador's (Ry's pup he lost) sister and her owner had to let her go; so Ry said "bring her over." And, you don't wanna know what I said..ha ha ha. I just pictured two babies, two adults and now two dogs..all in our        
We are three days away from Carson's due date. Everyone here is very excited for her arrival. I still think she will be born around the 15th; but who knows?  I can say that this old tired body is ready to evict her...ha ha ha.


Lisa said...

what a great picture,i love you guys!

Margaret said...

Best family photo EVER..