Monday, August 23, 2010

Summers going Fast!

Well, what has been going on with the Evans family is...back to school for the older two. Ezekiel turned 14 years old. We had a small family celebration on the 19th; and then this coming weekend he will have a couple of friends over. Ry was gone this past weekend for two out of state shows with the Bitter Swills. Of course they played great and those who heard them really liked the music.  
Cormic above gets familiar (but won't use) with the training potty and reading some a Tape Op mag. 
Carson shown above.. all dolled up and ready to hit the town.
Dad and the youngest two..Talk about a man with his hands full!
This is one of Sierra's pieces..I think she did a pretty darn good job. 
Ohhhh dear, is this what people mean when they say "The triple threat"? 


Lisa said...

Great pictures! Love you guys!

The Evans crew said...

We love you and miss you guys so much!!