Monday, November 29, 2010

Really Cormic?! Really?

Okay, so I'll admit I stole this idea from a skit from Saturday Night live..but, this little section is centered around little Cormic. And here we go:
Really Cormic?! Really? You are not even two years old and you think you can stiff arm your older brother. Really?
Again, after all he does for you. All the time he spends playing and you have sit on his back and make him guess what you had for dinner by..well you know.. Really Cormic?! Really?
Not even two years old and you steal your dad's chocolate cake when he ran to the rest room. Really Cormic? Really?
And you know there is dinner every night at the table and you can't even wait? Really? So, you drag the ottoman thru the kitchen so you can try and eat off the stove. Really Cormic?! Really?
Making a cake with your older brother and you can't even put pants on Cormic. Really? And, you just have to sit on top of the table. Really Cormic?! Really?
ha ha ha...We love him so. He gives us great joy each and every day.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What's wrong Carson?

It must be difficult to be the new kid on the block...because we all know if you're aren't able to change the ways of the old. But, Carson was pretty disgusted in Cormic's behavior; which is shown below.
She said w/disgust, "Ohhhhh, put some pants on young man!"
Cormic's thought? "Gotta itch"

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dad's proud moment

Ummmm, not really something we should continue talking about...But, he has had more practice in heels then Sierra.

My pick of the week.

Before Ry worked 70 hrs a week, we would each pick a favorite moment of the week. Well, I would have to pick the following for mine...and if you aren't familiar with the tv show "COPS" or "American's Most Wanted" may not make sense to you. But, I had asked Ezekiel to get a baby wipe and wash Cormic's face. Well, that was enough for Cormic to start running...Then, after Cormic started running, I heard Ezekiel yell out in a real tough "cop" voice "GET ON THE GROUND! GET ON THE GROUND!!"" was so funny.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

So, there are no pictures of Ezek because he took off early that morning. He didn't return until late and the camera was put away. But, he had fun at his friends. The two older kids also went to "Haunted Acres" this year. I drove them there, paid for their way in and decided to wait in the car. The parking lot was a field and it was dark. My point was all around kinda freaky. So, I get to the car and about 3 mintues later I heard chain saws and my daughter screaming. Yep, felt like mom of the year.
Cormic was the cutest little elephant. He actually did a great job.
The two little ladies, one looking kinda scary.
Dad and little Cormic before the treating. I'm sure he's thinking "I told her to dress him up like Mick Jagger or Howl'n Wolf, not a damn elephant."

This was cute. When Sierra came out, he hid.

Dressing up was fun!

So, Sierra was a little too scary for her little siblings. Cormic took off running when she came out of her room. Poor little Carson didn't have much of a choice but to take a picture w/the scary vamp.
Cormic tuned into Barney. Yes, it's true.Little ducky
sooooo, sweet. Her first little Halloween.