Monday, February 21, 2011

"Don't think we are in Kanas anymore..."

Ha ha..Have you ever walked into a place and there was something odd that made you feel uneasy? And, you just knew you weren't at home?
Well, not to long ago Ry had a show at a bar called "The Muddy....animal w/buck teeth" and I can't really pin point it..but something about the place just gave me a weird feeling. MAYBE IT WAS POSTED ON THE FRONT DOOR.. ha ha
The show went really well, and the reason for the sign was due to some previous incidents and they thought the sign would keep out the bad news..
It's always great to see the name up on the marque.
Paul singing and playing. I know! The shirt is killer..yes, those are horses.
Trapper and Shane.

And, saved the best for last. There's Ry. Is he twirling?

Friday, February 18, 2011

The littlest one is changing

Carson is changing everyday; but is still so adorable. She rolls all over the place, loves to pull hair and wants to put everything in her mouth. She loves to eat...though sometimes that is a challenge because Cormic is usually right there asking for a bite of her baby food.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Brothers Band Together

Not to long ago Ry and I upset Ezekiel because we told him "No" to playing the WII. So, he stomps off to his room and shuts the door. Then shortly after that we made Cormic mad because we said "No" to a Barney video. We thought "We are at 50% tonight (ha ha ha)". Anyways, Cormic didn't take "No" very well. Let's say he threw a little bit of a fit...Ry and I watched his performance and still said "No"...So, Cormic grabbed his blanket, binkey and marched to Ezek's door. He knocked on the door and Ezek let him in. When they came out of hiding for a drink and something to eat, Ry and I were on the couch....and we received the two worst dirty looks ever.

A couple days later...I made Cormic mad again and he ran to Ezek's door. I took off after Cormic and Ezek then opended the door and said "Did you make him mad?"...and then Cormic walked in...and the door shut. And, the ma I stood in the hall just wondering if I should double check his birth certificate...he's just two right?