Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

Well, don't mean to brag; but we had a smashing good ol Christmas this year. Didn't think we were much on tradition; but Ry has started one....He pulled out the "Happy Birthday Jesus" tee-shirt again. And, he will continue to wear it because Ezek says "I love that shirt" ever time he sees it..
The lovely ladies of Tennessee on Christmas morning.
Awww, the boys spreading the love in the hall way w/a little bite-fight-wrestling match...whatever that was. Fala la la la la la
Thank goodness Carson grabbed a snack and just decided to watch.Sweet little Carson below trying to crawl on the table.
Yahoooo! Its our Christmas tree and the gifts for the kids! We thank those who donated to the cause!

Its time to open gifts!

Cormic was a pro...kept all the toys next to him and tossed clothing items to the side.. He did have a lot of fun and he kept saying, "This so mutch fun."
I told Ry to look happy and this is what I got..I feel and see the joy in his face..same look he had when we got married..He told me he'd never been happier w/that same face...LOLEzek liked his little gift..same look his dad has..ha ha
Now, sierra is expressing herself w/the same joyous expression..ha ha ha. Just kidd'n. Gifts were fun and everyone had a good time.
Carson was a little pack rat...she went to her siblings pile and took what she could carry.

Open! Open! Open!

I love watching the kids open presents! This year Ry didn't even complain about my cheesy Christmas music playing in the back ground..hehe

Not sure why Carson carried around Cormics shoe; but she did....and she put on his other pair he received. Weird

Wow-need a break

So, it seemed like the kids needed a break. They woke up had Christmas breakfast and then opened gifts....it was sooo much
Cormic may have been a little shocked and a little tired from all the excitement.
Ezek-handsome young man...he is ready for more action.
Don't let this little beauty fool ya...she is ready for action too! Of course, she does have to refuel first w/some apple juice.Sierra, I didn't ask what she was thinking while she played w/Comics fire truck on the couch....but it being so close to her High School graduation....I can only imagine....because I know what I am thinking every day when I see her...Ya, pretty much Holy Poo, where did the time go?

The last of the Christmas shots

Well, I tried all day to get the four kids together for a picture and it didn't work out so well. I think I should have said, "You can open your gifts after Momma gets one good picture of you four together"
The sweetest teens in Tennessee shown above...
Okay, Ezekiel is laying on the "sweet" a little too thick there...
As I said before....try getting these four to stop! Sierra doesn't give any problems, can't get Ezek to smile and I'm not to sure what to list or to say about the smallest two...they just won't stop moving...hahaha
Ohhhh dear..."Thanks Kids, Merry Christmas to Mom. This is the one. 2011 Christmas. Looks like Madness to me." ha ha ha

Well, we need to thank you for the gifts. The kids had a wonderful Christmas and Ry and I couldn't feel more blessed...it was a beautiful day! We hope yours was just the same. Merry late Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Carson helps w/some sound

Carson has been such a delight...she is a very independent little thing. She loves climbing, throwing food on the floor, pulling hair, tearing up paper, recently learned to bite and also has become a little daddy's girl.
One night not to long ago, Ry was at the computer listening to some recordings and of course...Carson was there to assist.
And, now...she is an expert
Of course, she displays her excitement by dancing...
And, she will try to tell Dad "Ohhhhh, that is good!"
And, finally...once in awhile she has to take the head phones off to converse w/her ol man over this or that..but she mostly says "TURN THOSE DRUMS UP DAD!"