Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The last of the Christmas shots

Well, I tried all day to get the four kids together for a picture and it didn't work out so well. I think I should have said, "You can open your gifts after Momma gets one good picture of you four together"
The sweetest teens in Tennessee shown above...
Okay, Ezekiel is laying on the "sweet" a little too thick there...
As I said before....try getting these four to stop! Sierra doesn't give any problems, can't get Ezek to smile and I'm not to sure what to list or to say about the smallest two...they just won't stop moving...hahaha
Ohhhh dear..."Thanks Kids, Merry Christmas to Mom. This is the one. 2011 Christmas. Looks like Madness to me." ha ha ha

Well, we need to thank you for the gifts. The kids had a wonderful Christmas and Ry and I couldn't feel more blessed...it was a beautiful day! We hope yours was just the same. Merry late Christmas!!!

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