Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012

Well, on Christmas Eve...the two little ones were able to open one gift each from the Evans family from Washington..We loved each gift and we thank you all very very much!!
 Carson was so fun to watch..she made her sandwich then asked for a paper bag. Yep, she put it in the fridge for her next days lunch..Just like Ezek does every night. Tee hee
 Below: the kids painted some ornaments. A good friend, who teaches at the prison made em and gave them to me for the kids to fun
 And, the big day finally arrived. The two little ones waiting...Cormic looks so proud to be next to his little sister princess.
 I think she has learned to pose. Pretty pretty little thing.
 The girls looked so beautiful!

 Ezek and Carson still waiting
 They are kinda over the waiting...."Come on Mom!"
 Let the fun begin!

Chance and Kim were able to visit..We also had Dave and Bev on Skype..So, the kids had a little audience. When Ezek opened his big gift he said he would have cried; but to many people were we got hugs..LOL

Tear'n em open!
Should have done this many years ago; but the big kids finally got alarm clocks. And, they still haven't used

The Wonder, the Fabulous four around

There is the his Christmas shirt "Happy Birthday Jesus"...every year

Well, just like I said last year. We are so thankful for all the gifts that were sent. And, those of you who donated to the cause..WE GREATLY APPRECIATE IT! Sierra got a laptop and Ezek was able to get the one gift he wanted..a PS3. So, if you are wondering..they had a wonderful Christmas and we know that is was brought to them by family! Thank you and we love you!!!
   See you in 2013!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Pre Christmas Fun

The four of them helped make sugar cookies...Cormic shown below after he ate one too many singing and dancing "I am eating cookies for dinner..oh ya"
 I wish I could say the two little ones look proud of what they just accomplished; but they have more a guilty look on their faces...yes, I think they ate way tooo much frosting.
 Ezek...the angel. I think he may be trying to see his halo.
So, on  Dec. 23rd Ry and I took the little ones to a free little show at Opry Hotel put on for little peeps. They loved it and had a lot of fun!
 Cormic waiting for his favorite characters to hit the stage.
 Proud daddy; but I am sure a little bit of him would rather not expose his kids to this #@$% (LOL)

 Cormic in front of Shreks place
 Ohhhhhh NO she didn't! Yep, since we were at the Opry Hotel...I talked Ry into going to ICE.
 I thought the two little ones would really like it...


 They seemed like they did...Carson didn't like the big blue coat they provided.
 tee heee...Ry on the slide
 Little Carson sliding down
 It was fun; probably just a once in a life time thing.  Not sure if we would do it again.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Ry

Always pointing (or trying too) his kids in the right direction.  I really love this day, because it was the day the love of my life was born.
Happy Birthday to Mr. Ry!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Holiday Season

We had a pretty great stress or drama. Thankfully it went all smooth. (I did get up at 5 am to get all my dishes made). A day of "no cares" can sometimes end up being one of the best. The day started with a Thanksgiving breakfast...Sierra and Cormic
 Ezek at breakfast

 The Wait.....
 Carson helping Kim with last minute touches
 Didn't know when the ladies were in the kitchen....Ry and Cormic were entertaining themselves by taking pictures of ...of yes, themselves...
 So, after the big Thanksgiving meal...Days pass and it was time to start thinking about Christmas. Carson below starting her Christmas wish list
 She is still wishing...and wondering why is there nothing yet under the tree...

 Then, she thinks...maybe I was too naughty?  Naaaaaah.
 Cormic wasn't going to worry about a list just yet..he went to butter Sierra up..Since, she has a job now and earns some dough...the brothers think she is money bags. ha ha..Tease
 The Tree is up and we are ready for Christmas.