Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Pre Christmas Fun

The four of them helped make sugar cookies...Cormic shown below after he ate one too many singing and dancing "I am eating cookies for dinner..oh ya"
 I wish I could say the two little ones look proud of what they just accomplished; but they have more a guilty look on their faces...yes, I think they ate way tooo much frosting.
 Ezek...the angel. I think he may be trying to see his halo.
So, on  Dec. 23rd Ry and I took the little ones to a free little show at Opry Hotel put on for little peeps. They loved it and had a lot of fun!
 Cormic waiting for his favorite characters to hit the stage.
 Proud daddy; but I am sure a little bit of him would rather not expose his kids to this #@$% (LOL)

 Cormic in front of Shreks place
 Ohhhhhh NO she didn't! Yep, since we were at the Opry Hotel...I talked Ry into going to ICE.
 I thought the two little ones would really like it...


 They seemed like they did...Carson didn't like the big blue coat they provided.
 tee heee...Ry on the slide
 Little Carson sliding down
 It was fun; probably just a once in a life time thing.  Not sure if we would do it again.

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