Sunday, November 10, 2013

More Washington Times

So, many  many many...(okay..You have the point). Our summer vacation was sooo long ago; but the memories are still fresh in our heads...and we think about this trip all the time and about the great people we know as family.
More shots of when we were w/the Washington clan:

 I like the one below with Ry and his bro, Kain.
 Can't be 100% sure; but I think Kain may be thinking below "Okay, do I need to get that SOB (meaning Ry of course) I can get him to admit HE really does love Guns and Roses and youtube it.?" LOL
 AWwwwwwww most of the cousins! Are they not the cutest!
 Oh dear....did the heart just stop when you seen this face? Carson below...trying to go over the rail...unsafe sure; but as a mom..just had to capture the moment.

 Carson below smiling...and reason for the grin is because I am pretty sure she is thinking "Just talked to Uncle Kain..we have a plan"..

 Ezek, "Ya, mom said get close; but seriously Sierra?" LOL

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