Sunday, December 27, 2009

Our Christmas

Well, it was a stress free day at out house. How? I don't know. We had a huge breakfast, managed to make cookies, cupcakes and fudge..we watched a couple of movies; then opened gifts...We then ate a huge dinner and we should have stopped there..but Nope. We watched the Titans play..Ry and I went to bed during the 3rd quarter..ha ha. We hope everyone had a great Christmas!  I was very happy because Ry only cursed three times. ha ha   
The three kids after gifts...thanks to everyone! They loved and appreciate everything they received! 
I'm not sure what's wrong with him..Yes, Grandma and Grandpa Evans..he is sniffing the cha ching you sent him..I'm sure it's burning a hole in his pocket right now. 
WHAT!?? This is the first man I've ever seen that read the instructions before use!  I'm impressed are a smarty.
Sierra had to hold that gift in her hands..she thought it looked like a huge wrapped candy.
Okay..Cormic looks mostly like Ry..but in the picture above he..(to me) looks just like Grandma Alma Wolf. 

Taking it easy

Cormic after his bath...waiting around to open some gifts 
after breakfast nap 
Sierra after we opened gifts.. we were just waiting to watch the Titans play...little did we know they were going to get their hiney's kicked...
And, me and the three little ones. Something on the tv must have caught Cormic's attention.

Cormic's 1st Christmas

I truly believe Cormic had a great first Christmas.  Here are some more photos of him throughout our day.      
No surprise that everything ends up in his mouth.
Yes..he poses nicely for the camera at times.. 
And, at other times...he gives me a "Quit..I'm shy mom."

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Almost Christmas time!!

Sierra not to thrilled; but putting on a good face for the camera. 
Umm, Cormic not to thrilled with mom and her camera. I'm pretty sure that's a "Ahhhhhhh!" close to Christmas and none of the kids are going to show to much excitement..ha ha..ha..This is Ezekiel's "What? You want some of this? "look.   Fa la la la la
Here we go! This is what I needed.. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Evans..The kids loved their before Christmas gifts and III enjoyed his Christmas tree cookie way to much..ha ha   

Love these ornaments

We want to say thanks to Grandma Bev for sending these beautiful ornaments to us. I received two of the above. We put them on the tree this past Sunday. 
Sierra loved her "S". 
The little man wanted to eat his bear; but we managed to get it away from his mouth and put it on the tree.
And, of course E loved his soccer ball. And, no surprise with the drums on the bottom went to the man of the house.  

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Cormic meets Patterson

Seems like we've been waiting so long for this day..but today we met newborn Patterson James. Cool thing is Patterson was born 12/15  and Cormic's date of birth is 1/15.
   Cormic above on Dad's lap at the Thacker' Cormic's facial expression "What's going on?" 
Proud papa's. Paul holding his new little Patterson and Cormic thinking "You had me at hello Patterson." ha ha ha. And Ry whispering to Cormic.."I know son. me too."  LOL!
Overall our little man says it was a great visit..and can't wait to play with his new little friend. 

Friday, December 18, 2009

Shall we talk about E's changes?

Thought I should post about Ezekiel's changes as well. The picture below is E in Nashville 2009. He is definitely looking like a young man. What happened to the big cheeks that I gave him?  
Oh...Ezekiel, Ezekiel. There are days when I can do nothing but brag about this boy..and there are other days where I think I'm going to pull a Homer and wrap my hands around his neck.(Just a tease) Why? He is the typical teenage boy at times who knows more than his parents. He is so protective of Cormic. He is constantly questioning Ry and I:  "Is that safe?" or "Are you sure he can eat that?" ha ha ha.   
The picture above is Ezek in 2008..What a change in one year. And the reason for his facial expression? I think it's because I used him to pose for me while I adjusted my light. And I think he was a little annoyed. ha ha ha.. Also, notice his bangs..he took the scissors to his own hair...He said he couldn't see and chopped his bangs.  
The shot above is Ezekiel in 2007. Guess, it's his old man look, "Hey, there Sunny. Look at me; I  have no teeth." See, those big cheeks?  Now, they're gone... :  (   
Huh? I never lost them.
And, 2006. Wow!  His looks have changed; but his attitude about Christmas hasn't..he'll be just as excited this year!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

How Sierra's changed

This is Sierra 2009 in Nashville. The little lady has changed a lot since we left Idaho. She's doing great in school, has become a real smarty pants and has ....started seeing a male friend. Not sure why I find that so hard to deal with...guess I believed Ry when he told her she was not going to date until she was 30. This weekend she is spending the time with a girlfriend..a hug and hand out of money and we'll see her in a couple of days.... 
  :  (        And, of course we were pushing her to get her driver's permit; but now with a boyfriend..we think "ohhh, what's the rush?" ha haThis is Sierra in 2008 with Salavadore
Sierra in 2007

Sierra in 2006 

Friday, December 4, 2009

Cormic's special duds

So, if you can remember..I posted a blog about some very special gifts Cormic received from one of his great grandmas (Wanda)..before he was even born..Well, check the little man out in his little wonderful hand made duds.. 
For some reason..his round eyes and very round cheeks remind me of Spanky from the Little Rascals. (Yes, that is a Tella Tubby and it was a gift. LOL)
Ry and I have tried to put several other hats on him..and he will not leave them on his head. This is the only hat he has worn..and it's okay..cuz he's so cute in this outfit!
So, he has worn this to daycare..and has received so many compliments. 

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The boys at play

So, Cormic is still not interested in crawling. He does like standing, holding on to the couch. We feel he will skip that stage and just start walking. He attempts to crawl up his crib. Also, he has given up on any type of baby food. If you try to feed him anything in a baby jar, he will throw a tantrum. But, the next second he will eat off your plate or take that bread stick away from your hand....(let's say) and start munching. He is just starting to cut his top teeth. AND! Oh, the best news of all...still not sleeping at night. Naaa, I'm not keeping track (ohhhh, Lordy, it's been over 5 months since this old lady has had a full nights rest)..ha ha.       
This is Cormic and Ezek in the living room. Ezekiel sits with Cormic everyday to play with him. Ezekiel is so helpful.  
This is after Cormic took a spin down the hallway, "woooo, that was awesome!"     
Ry and I can't think of anyone who makes Cormic laugh more than Ezekiel. Even though there is an age difference...they have a lot of fun together.Ezekiel cruising Cormic down the hallway.   

The two boys giving their mother the "you are bothering us" look..
"Where did he go Cormic?"

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Headed to Memphis

The boys will leave tomorrow to record in Memphis... I know, that means: Ry gets TWO days off.. yeah!  
These are just some images from them at Ry's..