Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The crew walking to the Honky Tonks down town Nasvhille..ut out Nasvhille..ha ha ha (Aunt Lisa, Cousin Cole, Cousin Kenz, Aunt Leslie and Uncle Chance)   
Okay, this was soooo not necessary to post..but the above cinnamon rolls were made for Coleman. He prefers them made like Grandma Mary Wolf use to make them. Last time I cut the logs, like normal people do and he was actually upset with me. ha ha ha. Well, this time..we went a little too far. (Lisa and I rolled them). Maybe you can't tell but one of those logs were as big as Cormic..I swear. The pan you are looking not a regular cake is a huge roasting pan. ha ha..And, no nothing went to waste. 
Ezekiel eating some fried chicken.
The homemade fried chicken was another one of Coleman's request... Since, he is leaving soon to join the military..the boy got what he wanted. And, here is the Cole man..just off the plane.

1 comment:

alicia said...

I am so laughing my a-- off at these pictures tonight, just got achance to catch up! I love this blog!