Friday, September 25, 2009

A lot like Dad

I am sure it won't be a shock to anyone....but Cormic is somewhat like his daddy.  
They love the same hat....only Ry wears it and Cormic likes to chew on it while he watches baseball on dad's lap.
They like to make loud noises..Ry plays the drums and Cormic is starting out with a set of pots and pans.

And, this is naked baby Cormic.  Not going to bring up any "like dad" examples with this photo...Even though, I heard a story that Ry streaked a golf course in Burns once.. (ha ha ha. I'm glad I didn't mention that.) 

1 comment:

Kain Evans said...

At the Burns golf course Ry could have set up a chair and stayed there all day and no one would have noticed.