Saturday, October 17, 2009

Long week

Ug, I received a call from Cormic's daycare this past Monday at 11:45 am. You know when the daycare calls... it's usually not good. Cormic had a fever. In a mad dash, Ry and I both left work. His pediatrician discovered he had an ear infection. AND! oh, my gosh. He was miserable all week long.       
The two pictures above are not from this week, but I decided to post them anyways. 
The photo above is from this week.  The one shot shows how the week was spent.  He didn't want to be anywhere else but in someone's lap. He didn't even lay down to sleep or give ya a bathroom break...  I jokely told Sierra "geez, why does he have to act like such a baby about everything?" ha ha..Okay, not funny.

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