Saturday, February 27, 2010

"I can do it myself!" he says

Cormic is at the stage where he wants to do things for himself.  Above, shows the end result after he fed himself some pudding. Yep, he is so proud of himself. 
Cormic giving dad a big ol kiss.

The Three Kiddies

Cormic above showing off his muscles.
Ezekiel trying to watch television in peace; but ohhhh no..Mom has to have the camera in his face. 
Sierra trying to draw in peace. But, is annoyed with Mom who has the camera out.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Getting his groove on

So, these images were captured a couple of weeks ago. The little man pushed a chair from the kitchen table to his room. he could dance to the tunes that were playing. Dad took out the CD I had in (some Kid's tunes) and put in Jr. Kimbro. Guess, it worked. 

Monday, February 15, 2010

Lot of Progress this weekend!

Paul was FINALLY able to beat Cormic at a game of tickle. Cormic was all "I give up.I give up. You are to big; you beast."
Ezekiel had William over to keep him company on Saturday. Ezekiel says he is feeling a lot better. And, thank goodness..What a week it was...E said he slept great Sunday night and came out of the rest room Monday shouting "My poops are solid! Yes!" ha ha (To much information?..Ya, maybe)
And, Cormic took off walking this weekend!! He gets better and more confident with every attempt.  
So, maybe some of you have known that it has been a tough year financially...So, we decided to bake the baby one night for dinner. ha ha ha..Just kidd'n. Cormic loves to climb into the warming drawer..I think it is because we tell him "No." 

Patterson is catching up to Cormic

The Thackers came to visit 2/12/10. Lisa went to Ezekiel's school to pick up his homework for us...boy he was very thankful for that delivery..ha ha ha. But,  look at the little one grow? The images of the two little boys are blurry; but Cormic was very excited...maybe to excited at times to have Patterson over. 
And, Ezekiel taken some time with the little Thacker. Ezekiel said "I know he won't hurt me.." Cormic is a little rough and doesn't realize E is still healing.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

E's surgery

The picture above is E the day after his surgery...No need to really explain..but yeah, he was not feeling so hot. This was the holding room he was in after surgery. He was kept there for two days.
He had no interest in his ice cream treat, drinking or much of anything..And, that is when I would start to sing..He had no strength to even tell me to stop..ha ha ha..I tease. 
Sierra and Cormic during an evening visit.
E on his walk..Think Dad is on the phone with family.
And, of course Ry taking Cormic for a spin on a darn wheel chair in E's new room. This man likes to clown around most of the time..but he's definately the hero of our family. Ry was the only one at the hospital during Ezekiel's surgery. When I went to the hospital the next day..all E could do was talk about how "Dad carried me on his back into the ER because we had to park so far away.".."Do you know that Dad didn't leave me once?" And, the stories went on and on.  I kept asking Ry how he was holding up and he just held onto the positive and said things like "I've never had so much alone time with him before."

More photos of the hospital stay

The family spending the evening in the room.  

Kids are busy on the gifts that were sent to E from Grandma Bev, Grandpa Dave and Aunt Katie's family. They were great gift ideas, so thanks! And, helped pass some time.
Ezekiel's first solid meal. His choice? A cheese pizza..ummm
And, E's last photo at the hospital....3 hours after this shot....he's back home. Yeah!! It's over!!  

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Surgery for Ezekiel

Just wanted to state that Ezekiel had emergency surgery late Monday night for appendicitis.  Thankfully, Ry worked day shift that day and took him into a walk in clinic that evening and from led to Vanderbilt Children's hospital. Ezekiel is upset with me because I took the camera into his room. And, Ry's response to him was "What did you expect son?" So, will be able to see the poor little man in his hospital gown.  Well, they said he might be in the hospital until Friday...