Monday, February 15, 2010

Lot of Progress this weekend!

Paul was FINALLY able to beat Cormic at a game of tickle. Cormic was all "I give up.I give up. You are to big; you beast."
Ezekiel had William over to keep him company on Saturday. Ezekiel says he is feeling a lot better. And, thank goodness..What a week it was...E said he slept great Sunday night and came out of the rest room Monday shouting "My poops are solid! Yes!" ha ha (To much information?..Ya, maybe)
And, Cormic took off walking this weekend!! He gets better and more confident with every attempt.  
So, maybe some of you have known that it has been a tough year financially...So, we decided to bake the baby one night for dinner. ha ha ha..Just kidd'n. Cormic loves to climb into the warming drawer..I think it is because we tell him "No." 

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