Sunday, March 21, 2010

From father to sons

Sure Ry is going to teach all the kids many things. This day he took E out to show him how to change the oil.
Of course, Cormic had to be right there.
And, it didn't take to long for Cormic to think he could assist.
Ry had some music playing inside the studio. Above shows Cormic clapping along to some tunes.
Cormic learned a lot from dad and was just overwhelmed. So, Ezekiel took him for a ride so he could relax. I told ya...E is the best brother.
I've been married to this man a long time...and I don't know what this look means.  I think it's his Dirty Harry I need to hit the floor and get outta here!! If I'm correct..what is to follow are words that consist of "foot" and "ars" fill in the rest. (ha ha ha).
  Well,  I'm off for another week of training tomorrow.. Ry did a great job running the house on his own.

Time to roller blade

The weather was beautiful 3/19/10; so we headed to the lake to eat some grub and for some fun. 
Poor little Cormic tried his darndest to keep up with Sierra and Ezekiel. Images like the one above, was all I could capture that day...Him walking away from me. 
Our World shown above..the three youngsters together and on the move.   
So darn cute.
Pretty sure that's Cormic leading Ry down to the lake. Trying to convince the old man to skip some rocks. 

more images at the lake

Cormic loved being out on the grass and running away from Ry and I.
Sierra taken a little rest.
Ezekiel getting ready for some blade action.
Cormic watching his older siblings and I bet he is thinking, "Where are my roller blades?"
 "Take care yawall!"

Monday, March 15, 2010

Off to the Corrections Academy

So, for the next 2 1/2 weeks I'll be in Tullahoma, TN at the 
corrections academy (I get to come home on the weekends).  I started a new job at a woman's prison late last month and now I'm off to be trained.  No, I won't be trained in fire arms, etc. I'm glad I don't have to take my pudgy body into defense classes or army crawl under barbed wire...(ha ha ha).I'm excited for the training but don't want to be away from the children during the week.      

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Break Starts today

So, spring break started today.  I don't have much to say about our plans. Sierra and Ezekiel are going to spend time with friends; but other that...we are going to play it by ear.  So, the following pictures were taken in the past couple of weeks. 
Of course, we really didn't need the t-shirt to tell us he is a handsome irish boy. I wish you could pinch his cheeks through the monitor..ha ha ha
Cute little face during meal time. Cormic is a master at walking, he weighs in at 26 lbs, still has only 2 top and 2 bottom teeth, still tossing and turning all night long and absolutely loves hanging out with Sierra and Ezekiel.   
Believe it or not..but this was Ry and Cormic about 3:30 or 4:00 am. Ry wanted to listen to some of the band's recordings...and shoot why not? We were up any way. Cormic really liked the head phones. 
Overalls! Sweet.
Kids during lunch...Appears the older two are not to thrilled with the camera again..ha ha ha.