Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Break Starts today

So, spring break started today.  I don't have much to say about our plans. Sierra and Ezekiel are going to spend time with friends; but other that...we are going to play it by ear.  So, the following pictures were taken in the past couple of weeks. 
Of course, we really didn't need the t-shirt to tell us he is a handsome irish boy. I wish you could pinch his cheeks through the monitor..ha ha ha
Cute little face during meal time. Cormic is a master at walking, he weighs in at 26 lbs, still has only 2 top and 2 bottom teeth, still tossing and turning all night long and absolutely loves hanging out with Sierra and Ezekiel.   
Believe it or not..but this was Ry and Cormic about 3:30 or 4:00 am. Ry wanted to listen to some of the band's recordings...and shoot why not? We were up any way. Cormic really liked the head phones. 
Overalls! Sweet.
Kids during lunch...Appears the older two are not to thrilled with the camera again..ha ha ha. 

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