Sunday, March 21, 2010

From father to sons

Sure Ry is going to teach all the kids many things. This day he took E out to show him how to change the oil.
Of course, Cormic had to be right there.
And, it didn't take to long for Cormic to think he could assist.
Ry had some music playing inside the studio. Above shows Cormic clapping along to some tunes.
Cormic learned a lot from dad and was just overwhelmed. So, Ezekiel took him for a ride so he could relax. I told ya...E is the best brother.
I've been married to this man a long time...and I don't know what this look means.  I think it's his Dirty Harry I need to hit the floor and get outta here!! If I'm correct..what is to follow are words that consist of "foot" and "ars" fill in the rest. (ha ha ha).
  Well,  I'm off for another week of training tomorrow.. Ry did a great job running the house on his own.

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