Friday, April 30, 2010

Check it out!

Can you believe how this CD turned out?  I love the music; but this cover is sooooo cool looking! This house is out near Trapper's place; and his friend took the photo.  There is so much for these guys to brag about. And, I really wish we could send everyone a copy..but we keep having these children and they cost money... (ha ha ha)   If you haven't bought a copy...I suggest you should. It's a keeper.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Time to Roll out the Red Carpet!!!

Well, I think she's been put off WAYYYY to long. But, we would like you to meet Carson Magnolia  Evans:   I can already tell...she's a cutie!!   Our 4th and Final~

This ultra sound was taken 2/11/2010. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and then every two weeks after. So, far the doctor says she is doing good. She's an active little thing. The doc said I had to start pop'n some iron pills; but other then that...we are both good. Okay..I'm not so much. Just the normal issues with pregnancy. Guess, it gets worse with each pregnancy.  oh joy.
She is due July 8th, 2010.  Not to much longer.
I have to laugh at this shot cuz I think it was taken when I was telling the tech how many other kids we had. Carson is like " Gosh! Are you serious?!" ha ha.

More CD release show shots

These are pretty much of Cormic...he was so cute this night.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Not all Bars ID for under 21

So, last night Ry played with the band in McMinnville at the CD release show... It was a great night for all. The kids had a great time, the boys played wonderful. But, the youngest Evans..some what stole the show.
The Evans three littleones. 
 Ezekiel and Cormic talking to Chris Black. Chris drove from Kentucky to open up for Trapper Haskins and The Bitter Swill. If you can't tell...Ezekiel adores Chris; but seems to think Cormic is a little young for his story. ha ha 
Mandy Haskins made the littlest kids shirts for the night.
This was during sound check. Cormic stayed in front of the band all night.   A joke was made that he was their manager. But, he honestly kept his eye on them, he worked the crowd and sad to say..After his last bottle, he passed out on the floor down in front.  
Ry with his eye on Cormic.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

They are on the Road!!

Before I write about the band..I have to stop and say it has been 15 years this day since my family lost Russell. Never thought I could miss someone for that long. Love 'em while you can..Speaking of love 'em:

Ry who we all love is playing the drums during band practice last night..I didn't hear them say anything; but I think they might be a little nervous about the big 3 hr show tonight in Alabama. 
Appears Trapper carries his encouraging words on his chest.  "You can do it Trapper!" ha ha haAnd, Paul and Ry loading for the 6 hr trip this morning.  

Okay...let's just be postive that tonights show will go great. The CD's arrived and they look so professional. These are all good things...The only thing I want to share is the shot of Patterson below. This folks was during last nights practice!!! Ahhhh! Did they rock the house or did they put the baby to sleep? ha ha ha. I'm teasing. They are going to do great. 

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Our Easter

Cormic made this card one day at daycare...he's so talented and cute. 
So, we had a great Easter.  Above shows Ry (Martha Stewart for the moment) informing the kids on how to frost a cake. Looks like Ezekiel didn't want to listen. ha ha ha 
This was a project for the kids. And look at him. He just took over. ha ha ha ha 
Then we decorated help from Ry or Cormic on that.
And, we can't have a family day without a movie.  Even the littlest one is set up nicely with a drink and a treat. 

Cormic's Egg Hunt

It didn't take Cormic long at all to figure out what he was suppose to do with the eggs. 

He had many cheerleaders.  
The neighbor hid the egg shown above..I thought, "He is young, not blind." ha ha..That is one big egg! 
After the egg hunt, the kids played with sidewalk chalk, and tried to teach Cormic to blow bubbles. 

The Egg Race

So, Ry and Cormic sat on the side lines while the older two were getting ready for the race.
The kids had to race around the studio twice. If they dropped or cracked the egg...they had to get a new egg.
Sierra moved so slow...she was not going to get another egg.
Steady as she goes.
AHHHH!!! And, of course who was there to spoil all the hard work? Yep, you are right. Ry knocked the kids' eggs off the spoons. The children tried to protect them...but he didn't stop. When Ry and I raced; both the older children returned the favor to him.. ha ha ha 

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Love the Weekend!!

We have played and worked so far this weekend. Today, the older two were not to thrilled about working in the house or outside of the house...but we did it and it was fun. Sierra above shown with Cormic...the free rider. If you are at all curious of why Ezekiel is eye ball'n the little cart? You are exactly right! He was size'n it up..He tried to get in with Cormic..right after this shot. ha ha 
A little catch football. 
And please don't wonder why there are not many shots of this young lady on the blog. How many dirty looks can I post?  ha ha ha. 
She's still sweet and beautiful.

Full day for Cormic 4/3/10

Cormic made his first mud puddle. He absolutely loves being outside.  
Ry took the picture above..I love it!

 Cormic spent most of the day outdoors. He played with the dog, helped the older kids wash windows, ate some dirt, played in the water dish, made a mud puddle, played with company, received his first head wounds and scratched up a couple of knees. It was a great day.   

More of Cormic

Cormic waiting on Ry to return home from his trip to town.

Dad and Cormic on the couch...checking out some Saturday morning cartoons. From the look on his face; he's not to impressed..ha ha