Saturday, April 17, 2010

They are on the Road!!

Before I write about the band..I have to stop and say it has been 15 years this day since my family lost Russell. Never thought I could miss someone for that long. Love 'em while you can..Speaking of love 'em:

Ry who we all love is playing the drums during band practice last night..I didn't hear them say anything; but I think they might be a little nervous about the big 3 hr show tonight in Alabama. 
Appears Trapper carries his encouraging words on his chest.  "You can do it Trapper!" ha ha haAnd, Paul and Ry loading for the 6 hr trip this morning.  

Okay...let's just be postive that tonights show will go great. The CD's arrived and they look so professional. These are all good things...The only thing I want to share is the shot of Patterson below. This folks was during last nights practice!!! Ahhhh! Did they rock the house or did they put the baby to sleep? ha ha ha. I'm teasing. They are going to do great. 

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