Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mud Face

So, he usually starts his day out clean like in the picture below.  He is in the studio probably when Ry had practice scheduled. 
If he does get a chance to go outside...Well, the bottom pictures show how that usually ends. Cormic loves being outside, he loves playing in the water..not bath water; but stinky gross left over rain water. And, I can't deny I'll just say it ..the boy likes to eat dirt/mud. 

Dirty, but still adorable. So, the last doctor visit (5-27-10) with Carson went well. The belly measured right at 34 weeks, her heart beat was normal, head is down and the only thing shocking was the nurse said, "You lost a pound!" Uh, that's not right during a of course on the way home I stopped and ordered a large chocolate shake.  Then, I complained about not feeling well after I got home. ha ha ha ha. only 6 more weeks!!!!     

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