Saturday, June 19, 2010

It had been five years!

The last time the remaining Wolf siblings were together was five years ago in Idaho...Danny, my oldest brother flew in from Vegas and my two sisters flew in from Idaho.. 
The above picture is us on a trail. I had no problem walking down the trail. Took about 10 steps back up it and then handed the keys over to Chance and said "Come and get me." ha ha ha.Cormic and his Aunt Leslie at the house. 
Looks like Cormic poke'n fun at his Uncle Danny...
Not the best shot; because we were on the trail. It was hot and we were all tired. But here we are: Lisa, me, Chance, Danny and Leslie.  
 Um...I feel I have many friends; but these two ladies are the ones I've known the longest and I know they will be there for me  the rest of my life. It has taken an entire week for me to get over their departure. I cried and cried when I said '"Good bye" because I just miss them so much. Les will soon be going back to Iraq and this visit might not happen next year.  But; I think when we are together...even though it's short..we make it worth while.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Quick but fun, I am still trying to get over having to say goodbye till next year! Love you1