Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy Due Date!!

    I think she is going to be lovely!!!!
 Today, I had my final ultra sound with Carson. And, yes when I walked out of that office..I did say "I hope to never see you again." ha ha ha.  The tech guessed she would weigh around 7 lb 15 ounce; which she admitted could be way off...but I hope not. Carson's heart beat was  145. The doc said dilation is only at a 2.  So, this may be the a happy due date because we were able to see her 3 D image..but it won't be her birth date. So, they made an appointment to induce July 14th at 7:00 am unless she comes before; but I doubt she will. And, I will have to admit I was wrong on the date..rats.  So, back to work tomorrow. Rats again. ha ha ha.  


Lisa said...

She's beutiful!

Margaret said...

I cant wait to see her in real life.. I am thinking of you. Love You