Saturday, July 17, 2010


Ry, Cormic and I arrived at the hospital about 20 minutes not the greatest start. After the paperwork was finished, Ry drove Cormic to day care..When Ry returned the nurse had already started my drugs and the doctor had already broke my water. I was a little sad because those are the important points in my delivery where I like to cuss at Ry. ha ha Just kidd'n. I felt contractions for maybe two hours before they gave me the epideral. I asked Ry not to talk during my contractions and he made comments like "Maybe that'll teach you not to get pregnant again." Did Dave not give him the  'birds and the bees talk'? ha ha..Anyway, it was another great delivery.  The little blessing joined us on July 14th at 1:43 pm. She weighed 7 lbs 12 oz. 

    Thanks again to all! We have gotten so much support from family and friends..We really appreciate you all so much. And to our good friends from Iowa..thanks so much for "Mommas medicine"..I will take two and not see you in the morning..ha ha ha.    Enjoy the pics.        

After the nurse and doctor left the three of us alone. Ry played Mississippi John Hurt's version of "Here am I, oh Lord, send me"....pretty darn amazing first song for the little lady. 

1 comment:

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