Sunday, September 26, 2010

What has that Sierra been doing?

Ohhhhh, it must be tough to be a teen with terrible mean ol parents who don't know anything! (lol) Sierra is in her room through the week doing studies, loves doing her art work and really likes clothes. This weekend we were able to do some shopping and did a little damage.
The two Evans girls. Bright and beautiful.
Ohhhh, Sierra was treated to a foot massage today during the Titans game. I know! Cormic is so sweet.
Foot massage and a little biting..They are still working on their relationship. (ha ha ha)
Love to take it easy
Staring at her little sis.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What's that Carson been doing?

I should probably say a little bit more than SHE'S JUST BEING CUTE!! (ha ha ha). Carson has been a great baby. She sleeps pretty much through the night. Uh, she is trying to get a cold right now..has a little congestion in the nose. The teachers at her daycare adore her and so far so good.
At the house, she does keep her eye on Cormic...not sure what's going on with that. It's like, she doesn't trust him or something.

She can definitely work a head band. Hardly notice the spit up on her shirt..Ya, she's got confidence.
I haven't found the right outfit for this band that Aunt Katie sent; but it's a favorite!! I don't think this picture gives it or Carson's just cute, I tell ya.

He might have been in the middle of saying "Don't take.." and then SNAP. Gottcha Ry

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What's that Ezek been doing?

So, besides going to school. Ezek has been a busy bee lately. He always helps around the house, does his studies and now he's becoming his dad's right hand man. Below shows E and Sierra helping dad out with our drain problem.
Below shows the two brothers playing. I know...E is 14 years old; and he takes time to play with his little brother and Cormic adores him. Even though the other day E said "Dad, you need to get Cormic baptized." Ry said, "Why would you say that?" E then said "Cuz he has a little devil in em." ha ha ha

Such an amazing little man. Even though he said to me the other day "Mom, your ideas are so 70's." Aaarg. I was trying to help Sierra with some costume ideas.
Some cheap hillbilly fun on a weekend. ha ha ha.
And, below shows E and one of his best friends..William. Not Will I am..just William.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What's Cormic been doing lately?

Well, first of all we wish Ms. Katie and soon Ms. Sylvia a Happy Birthday!!! We love and miss you both! The last time I posted was the day I went to work...and I returned to a mess. The office is basically six weeks behind. The little lady who replaced me didn't last a week (so I heard). Anyway... so I think I'll approach the blog slowly and not hit ya with a ton of pictures all at once..but here is the little man Cormic.
Cormic wearing his Third Man Records (Jack White's record shop) T that Aunt Lisa bought him when she was visiting...How did she know? Oh, it could have been me driving over there and putting Third Man as a "must see" for that day. ha ha ha ha.
And here is little Cormic helping momma with making some treats.
Tastes pretty good..
Ahhhhhhhh! These two pictures say it all. What a Mess!!! Cormic gets into his pudding!