Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What's that Ezek been doing?

So, besides going to school. Ezek has been a busy bee lately. He always helps around the house, does his studies and now he's becoming his dad's right hand man. Below shows E and Sierra helping dad out with our drain problem.
Below shows the two brothers playing. I know...E is 14 years old; and he takes time to play with his little brother and Cormic adores him. Even though the other day E said "Dad, you need to get Cormic baptized." Ry said, "Why would you say that?" E then said "Cuz he has a little devil in em." ha ha ha

Such an amazing little man. Even though he said to me the other day "Mom, your ideas are so 70's." Aaarg. I was trying to help Sierra with some costume ideas.
Some cheap hillbilly fun on a weekend. ha ha ha.
And, below shows E and one of his best friends..William. Not Will I am..just William.

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