Sunday, September 19, 2010

What's Cormic been doing lately?

Well, first of all we wish Ms. Katie and soon Ms. Sylvia a Happy Birthday!!! We love and miss you both! The last time I posted was the day I went to work...and I returned to a mess. The office is basically six weeks behind. The little lady who replaced me didn't last a week (so I heard). Anyway... so I think I'll approach the blog slowly and not hit ya with a ton of pictures all at once..but here is the little man Cormic.
Cormic wearing his Third Man Records (Jack White's record shop) T that Aunt Lisa bought him when she was visiting...How did she know? Oh, it could have been me driving over there and putting Third Man as a "must see" for that day. ha ha ha ha.
And here is little Cormic helping momma with making some treats.
Tastes pretty good..
Ahhhhhhhh! These two pictures say it all. What a Mess!!! Cormic gets into his pudding!


Lisa said...

Hey I'm wearing my third man shirt today too! Lookin good Cormic!

The Evans crew said...

I bet you said "I had a feeling"..ha ha ha.