Friday, October 22, 2010

Thank Goodness it's Friday!

Sometimes it's good to see Friday matter what age you may be. Cormic shown below struggling to pull E down the hall. And, you may wonder "Why is a two year trying to pull this teenager down the hall? And, why is the parent just watching w/a camera in hand?" No, we haven't given up...some times we are just slow to respond; because we are just stunned.

I felt like a National Geographic photographer when the picture below was snapped..Yes, Cormic does appear to have been attacking E. Thankfully, Ezek was able to block the vicious youngster w/ the old arm to the forehead trick. LOL
And then the two make up and migrate back to the living room.
Finally they say..."enough rough house'n..let's kick up our slippers and dance!"
And, Carson? She agrees with mom, "Thank Goodness it's Friday" Raspberry at cha.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cormic's Secret

So, this may not catch most attention and I bet it won't lead to a chain store in a mall. But, really... I think Cormic has some deep secret's that we should reveal. Did you know he likes to walk around with his favorite blanket on his head? Yes, he has a favorite blanket. He drags it into daycare every morning and people do say he is just like Lyonis.

Did you know that Cormic refuses to sit on his booster at the dinner table? Yes, it's true. He refused to sit in it awhile ago. Also, he loves to mix his food in what ever he's drinking...Yes, and he actually tries it. The older two kids usually have to look away. Below, I think he has some pasta sauce in his juice. umm.

It may not be a secret...but Cormic is pretty close to his dad. Ry went out side to start up the BBQ. Well, Cormic crawled up on the table to stare out the window...just a little creepy. (ha ha ha)
I was yes...just taken a rest on the couch. Cormic crawled up behind me; and I thought to snuggle. AND! Just like a spider monkey, he attacked! He had his thumb so far up my nose; I thought he was going to tickle my brain. The harder I screamed, the further he went up it. I've been warned before to watch my back in parking lots and at work of course (I work in a prison. LOL) But!! this takes the cake.

Another secret is Cormic likes to wear his momma's shoes. Well, he likes to wear dad's too.
And, maybe this is the parent's fault..who knows. But, Cormic really loves to be dirty. Below shows him after some pudding.
And, finally. Cormic really doesn't like to follow the rules. We've said it over and over "Don't sit on the arm of the couch."

Friday, October 1, 2010

Ahhhhhh she's so cute!

So, lately I've been pushing the button on the camera a lot. Especially this morning. Why? Just look at her...Just an adorable little girl.

The Cuteness continues

Oh...she is a real happy little girl. She is happier when Cormic is not towering over her.
Already likes to pose for the camera.

She is sooooo darn adorable. Above was this morning before she went to daycare... The band from Aunt Katie and the fabulous outfit from Kain and Clair..LOVE It!
And, we have the "I think I have a stinky " look.