Friday, October 22, 2010

Thank Goodness it's Friday!

Sometimes it's good to see Friday matter what age you may be. Cormic shown below struggling to pull E down the hall. And, you may wonder "Why is a two year trying to pull this teenager down the hall? And, why is the parent just watching w/a camera in hand?" No, we haven't given up...some times we are just slow to respond; because we are just stunned.

I felt like a National Geographic photographer when the picture below was snapped..Yes, Cormic does appear to have been attacking E. Thankfully, Ezek was able to block the vicious youngster w/ the old arm to the forehead trick. LOL
And then the two make up and migrate back to the living room.
Finally they say..."enough rough house'n..let's kick up our slippers and dance!"
And, Carson? She agrees with mom, "Thank Goodness it's Friday" Raspberry at cha.

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