Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Elmo taken hostage ?

Not sure if this is what this little guy is suppose to look like, but I noticed Elmo's face change after Cormic got a hold of him.
Do you see that he's a bit shaken after being force fed some coco pebbles?
Cormic and Elmo at the table...right after Cormic tells Elmo "I'm your number one fan. See, my sweat shirt? Now, I'm going to take care of you and feed you some cereal."
Cormic says "Ssssshhhh and eat"
Elmo starts to tremble, tries to signal for help...but doesn't want to upset the boy.Cormic must have caught on to poor Elmo's plea, grabbed him gently by the head and said, "Smile for the Camera Elmo...you aren't going anywhere."
Elmo, "he he he..."

Saturday, March 26, 2011

What it takes to get out.

No, I'm not talking about the inmates at work...But, I do often wonder if our teens view their home life as "doing time". They are great older siblings and they help every day. Because, it takes a lot just to get out of the house.
So, for the Evans' family of Nashville to get out...it takes a lot of team work...and it's usually a rushed situation. This day, Sierra helped get Carson ready. And, as you can see Carson tried to get away. The little ones don't make it easy.This day, Ezek helped with Cormic...thankfully Cormic was cooperative. He may have been scared of E's shirt. Yes, it's a shirt, we do feed the kids.
And, can anyone figure out why it takes the entire village to help get us out the door? As many posts end...this one will end too w/a picture of Cormic. Someone will get this little man cleaned up and polished nicely. And if you turn your back?.. Ya, below is what usually happens.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Baby of the family

Sooo, Carson has felt kinda robbed. She states she is the baby of the family and with being the baby you should be entitled to certain things. Like, getting all the attention.
She says, "One, because I'm am sweet, the baby and I look so adorable in a head band."
She says, "I also have the greatest smile."
"I am cutting two teeth right now...and I hardly complain about my sufferings."
"So, there..I've said it. I'm the baby and Cormic needs to act like a big boy....ohhh grud. Cormic? Cormic?"
And, do you even have to ask why Carson tried to express her feelings?
Cormic, "Ah, hold on sis..I think I have you beat on the head band..I'm looking pretty sweet myself."

Sunday, March 6, 2011

In Cormic's words

"Well you should know being two is not that easy. People expect changes. Like, using the potty. Well, I've not mastered it; but I'm embracing it fully. I'm getting use to wearing underwear..just not sure why people call them "underwear" because they fit nicely over my pants and over my diaper. But, since I'm going through these changes...I consider myself a big boy..You know, kinda like the super hero of the homestead....and because of that...I need to share my years of experience w/those I love."
For some reason...Carson reacted, "Noooooooooo!"
"Hey, Carson....come here. Let me help you out a bit."
Gotta scratch..."This is what you gotta do. You get a diaper and a baby...because babies go poo in their diapers."
"And, if the diaper seems stiff or cold....just warm it up a bit."
"It's tricky sis, give me a minute..I have to figure out which ways front."
"Alright here we go."
"Ahhh, we are just going to slip this over your pajamas. "
Carson says "aaah, ma"
ha ha ha..."Ya..I'm a big boy now!"

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Hope you are having a cool weekend... the littlest man is ready for summer.

It may be getting better

The two girls have seemed to click from the beginning. They both get gitty when they see each other. And, though they are years apart...we know they will be close.
Then, there's the work in progress relationship between Sierra and Cormic. Below shows Cormic on Sierra's bed. Sure, it may be cute...except it's about 6:00 am Saturday morning. Sierra wasn't thrilled. (lol)

But, I'll give them both credit because they are both trying. A snack at the table led to someone being choked...I said it was a work in progress.
Are we worried because it appears he likes to cause pain?
Sometimes love is a struggle and sure it can hurt...but, it'll all get worked out. I think they'll be just fine.