Sunday, March 6, 2011

In Cormic's words

"Well you should know being two is not that easy. People expect changes. Like, using the potty. Well, I've not mastered it; but I'm embracing it fully. I'm getting use to wearing underwear..just not sure why people call them "underwear" because they fit nicely over my pants and over my diaper. But, since I'm going through these changes...I consider myself a big boy..You know, kinda like the super hero of the homestead....and because of that...I need to share my years of experience w/those I love."
For some reason...Carson reacted, "Noooooooooo!"
"Hey, Carson....come here. Let me help you out a bit."
Gotta scratch..."This is what you gotta do. You get a diaper and a baby...because babies go poo in their diapers."
"And, if the diaper seems stiff or cold....just warm it up a bit."
"It's tricky sis, give me a minute..I have to figure out which ways front."
"Alright here we go."
"Ahhh, we are just going to slip this over your pajamas. "
Carson says "aaah, ma"
ha ha ha..."Ya..I'm a big boy now!"

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