Saturday, March 19, 2011

Baby of the family

Sooo, Carson has felt kinda robbed. She states she is the baby of the family and with being the baby you should be entitled to certain things. Like, getting all the attention.
She says, "One, because I'm am sweet, the baby and I look so adorable in a head band."
She says, "I also have the greatest smile."
"I am cutting two teeth right now...and I hardly complain about my sufferings."
"So, there..I've said it. I'm the baby and Cormic needs to act like a big boy....ohhh grud. Cormic? Cormic?"
And, do you even have to ask why Carson tried to express her feelings?
Cormic, "Ah, hold on sis..I think I have you beat on the head band..I'm looking pretty sweet myself."

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