Thursday, October 18, 2012


Well,  anyone who knows Ry...knows w/out music..he doesn't do so well.  But, his wife on the other hand seems to getting things done. ...Just tease'n.. I could have lived w/out the new mail box...but since he had some time this past summer, wink wink....Look at what Ry built? WOW, he is good!
 Then, he worked on a rock step slash flower bed for me...not a great day..some what rainy
 Carson still felt the tree needed water...ya, it died. just have to call the entire crew out. It looks weird, but we were all giving Ry our support, "build it and they will come.."
 Cormic w/his soggy low ride pants
 Sweet little Carson w/her sweet little stare/glare..what ever those kids are calling it nowadays
                                                       He is the best !

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