Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday Hike 10-14-12

Better watch out hills of Tennessee, here comes the Evans family... 
After the fists were lowered...we began to put one foot in front of the other on a nice hike

Well, Carson hitched a ride most of the way..But, the girls are tooo cute in those hats.
 Carson above on Dad's shoulders..making it easy on the ol guy

 AAaaahhhh, a Snake in the Road!    What happen to the tough guys when this started? LOL, Love how Sierra gets the smaller children away.

 Carson choking Ry...sooo cute.
 The boys pretending to fight w/ cute.

What a great morning.   We end this thing the same way we went in! And, the hills of Tennessee say "there goes those Evans'"
How cute.

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