Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The "Why Photos"

  --Why would Cormic yell in the house?
 --Why is this man so great?
 --Why would Carson wear her glasses up side down..every time she puts them on?
--Why is the baby below the weirdest thing in the picture?
 --Why would I even ask "why?"...oh dear

 --Why doesn't she stop moving?

 --Why would anyone have a princess wear a shirt that reads "trouble"?

 --Why wouldn't she wear a hat w/this look?
 --Why blue hair?
 --Why are kids riding bikes in the living room?
 --Why is it sooo fun to eat pudding?

 --Why would he wear pants?
--And finally, Why wouldn't I post this picture? You can't borrow a camera and forget to erase images...They may just get put online or made into a t-shirt..Hmm.. Well, this one was first. LOL
WHY  ????  Guess cuz they all can.

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